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BP Cherry Point Maintenance Project Matrix Service

BP Cherry Point Refinery – Ongoing Maintenance

Location: Whatcom County, Washington

Matrix Service has been working at BP’s Cherry Point Refinery since 2003 and has again been awarded the maintenance contract. The refinery sits on 3,300 acres and currently processes about 230,000 barrels of crude oil each day from the Alaska North Slope, which makes it the largest refinery in the state of Washington and the third-largest refinery on the West Coast. Matrix Service has approximately 375 employees performing maintenance work at this refinery on a daily basis. BP has a major outage every other year that lasts approximately six weeks and Matrix Service employs up to 900 people during these outages. Routine maintenance is required on all equipment and machinery to keep this a safe, reliable and profitable refinery.

Why has BP Cherry Point renewed Matrix Service's contract year after year?

Hear it straight from them:

"Matrix Service isn’t afraid to put challenge back into the conversation, especially if it’s about making sure a decision is the best one for BP. That’s partnership. And in my experience having managed thousands of contracts, it’s a powerful approach you don’t see often." -- Brian Barclay, Maintenance and Reliability Manager, BP Cherry Point Refinery

“[Matrix Service] looks for what’s best for BP even if it means giving up work. We’ve taken work to Matrix where they’ve recommended and then helped find an alternate contractor or offered alternative ideas if they think there’s a better way.” -- Brian Barclay, Maintenance and Reliability Manager, BP Cherry Point Refinery

"We didn’t hire Matrix to just do tactical work. We invited them in to help us with our business." -- Brian Barclay, Maintenance and Reliability Manager, BP Cherry Point Refinery

years at BP Cherry Point Refinery as the maintenance contractor
of BP Cherry Point's workforce consists of Matrix employees
largest refinery on the west coast
barrels per day processed

Scope of Work

  • Providing refinery maintenance to Cherry Point for over 14 years
  • Up to 900 Matrix Employees on-site during major outages
  • 33% of BP Cherry Point's workforce is employed by Matrix Service
  • About one major outage every other year lasting 6 weeks, increasing Matrix's presence to 900 employees onsite
Onsite since 2003
"We didn’t hire Matrix to just do tactical work. We invited them in to help us with our business."
– Brian Barclay
3,300 acre site

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